Welcome To Our New Website!


Growing in Faith Together
Our GIFT Team meet once a week at lunchtimes, working together with Mrs Bowles, to promote all faith aspects within our school. Each year the team decide on what aspects within the school they would like to support and focus upon to help promote the faith of our school and support children, staff and our wider community in their faith journies. Some of their recent initiatives have been:

  • leading on our weekly Act of Worship assembly
  • setting up a prayer station for everyone to use (changing the focus each half term)
  • completed a review of the prayer corners and RE boards in the classrooms and supported teachers in developing these further
  • provided an interactive prayer activity for our R/1/2 class to support them in how to pray and what to pray about
  • organised and made flower posies for our Mother’s day assembly
  • organised the school appeal for the Christmas Shoeboxes, which they then packed up, linking with our local community representative
  • led on our harvest festival assembly and donations which went to our local foodbank.
And there is much more to come …