Welcome To Our New Website!

Starfish Class, 2023-24

Welcome to Starfish Class Reception & Year 1
September 2023 – Welcome back Starfish Class!

It is wonderful to have everyone back in school and to welcome our new Reception children. We are looking forward to helping them settle into school life and learning. We have been working hard over the summer to ensure the classrooms and school are ready for your children’s return. We have lots of lovely new outside resources and our classrooms have been painted over the holidays.

Here is a little information about Starfish Class that hopefully will help, but please do ask if there is anything I may not have covered that you are unsure about.

The children will need to bring in a clearly named water bottle daily, which we will refill if needed. Also please ensure they have a raincoat in school and a sunhat (whilst the weather is still hot and sunny). Children will need to bring in their packed lunch or tell us that they are having a hot dinner. Hot dinners can be ordered online, any questions please do not hesitate to ask Mrs Vaz in the office.

PE lessons will be on a Thursday and Friday. Starfish will also have an after school PE club on a Wednesday if they should wish to join. Details of clubs will be emailed to parents. Children must be signed up to the club to enable them to participate. Just to remind you the school PE kit is black/navy shorts or tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a plain white t-shirt and trainers. Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

At SMC we follow the Read Write Inc programme for teaching phonics and reading. Depending upon the level at which your child is at, they will either bring home a Ditty sheet or a book to read at home. The reception children will not bring home any Ditty sheets until they have been taught the first sounds in the programme. You will be invited into school to watch how phonics is taught and we will be able to discuss any further questions.

So every day the children will need to bring to school in their bag:

A named water bottle

School reading book and homework diary

Packed lunch if needed

Raincoat (and sunhat if the weather remains sunny)

They will need to bring their PE kit (including a jumper) to school on a Thursday and Friday. Children must come into school in school uniform and will change in school. Finally please ensure that all jumpers and cardigans are clearly named.

If you have any queries then please either catch me in the playground or phone the school and I will get back to you.